Remix Response

1. I believe the culture of remixing is fine and should continue to grow and become a stronger medium of art in the modern world. It shouldn't be considered plagiarism since it is essentially a remix or a parody of the original which is okay. It should be appropriated and brought to better attention and become a more well rounded and respected art form.
2. I understand all the takes on copyright in the introduction and why people are out to protect their image and their work, I believe the guidelines are a little too strict and need to ease up. Like the artist who couldn't have like 30 people sing a John Lennon song is kind of ridiculous but out of respect she obeyed which is completely debatable on the level of copyright that ensues.
 3. I believe we should be allowed to borrow from previous work to a extent like to create parody's or to draw research. We can still accredit the main source of the info like in music but we should be able to use bits or maybe the songs and change them. When you just blatantly steal the work then it is plagiarism or copyright but if you put a different twist on it, it should be fine.


  1. I completely agree that we should be able to borrow from somebody else's work to make our own. You should definitely give credit to the original artist, but there is nothing wrong with making something your own. I totally agree with you. Great post!


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