Remix Response
In my opinion, the culture of remix and appropriation can be found in all walks of life. As humans we see something that we like and try to make it our own, as what appropriation is. Not all types of appropriation are bad, as some stem from appreciation and genuinely incorporating one culture into your own where as other completely rip off an relabel a culture as their own. For the issues of copyright every individual deserves to be compensated for their work and talent, however, there becomes a point where it borders on the line of being petty and superfluous, as for the little girl dancing to Prince, that is almost a clear indication of how sensitive things may get, then again with the way Girls World was where he just mashed up others songs together just brought the hammer down harder for copyright issues. The extent at which one can borrow from another depends on how much is borrowed and at what point it becomes a reiteration of another's work as opposed to using another's work to create a new and different spin with it. Essentially if you're using it to see further and create more then good, but if your are merely using someone else's for personal benefit you have gone to far.
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