Chapter 7 Response

This chapter was definitely a review of everything we have gone over in class, and everything I have learned in high school and middle school. It reminded a little of "annoying ways" since it dealt with integrating sources but it was definitely more formal, and didn't include the do nots of integrating sources. This chapter was however a lot more informational, and did teach me a couple of things. For example at the bottom of page 270 it talked about the brackets, i knew about using them when quoting but definitely not like that to change the tense of words. I also never formally learned paraphrasing, only the little bit we talked in class, so the section on paraphrasing was particularly interesting especially when it says when the appropriate time to paraphrase is. although this was just a review of what we have already learned it was very detailed and thorough and i will refer back to it when writing my paper


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