Project Presentations Day 2

Concussion Protocol: Is It Really Helping Players
  • Taylor Wilhemy
  • I specifically like the video presented with this project. Even though there is no sound to go with the video, it isn't necessary at all. As an audience member we can see how hard these hits are and the point is driven across perfectly.

Beyond Our Gender
  • If this were my project, I would heighten my focus on the topic, as it seemed all over the place in terms of what gender roles were in the project. While by the end we know it's about how men are more confined into gender roles, it is VERY stereotypical and not very effective at proving the projects point.

Makeup is a Choice. Make Yours.
  • Luke
  • In terms of what I like and what works, the survey shown in the project seems to be effective and is in line with the project topic, as it asked basic information on how people used make-up and why.

Can Students Listen and Learn?
  • Katie Herlihy
  • If this were my project, I would have focused on a singular genre for my project to better explain my topic to the audience.

Free At Last
  • Logan Green
  • If this were my project, I would focus far more on one genre, perhaps the memes or the poem, to better explain the topic and point of view to the audience. While the poem was the focus in the end, it took a while to gain this focus and make the point clear.

Vegetarianism Explored Through Multimedia
  • Emily Melcher
  • For the project, the blog site works very well for showing off the topic of vegetarianism, though it would have been better to tell the research paper was about obesity and cardiovascular disease earlier in the presentation.

Mass Shootings: The Truth Behind the Horrors
  • Amiyah Lytle
  • Video was very good

Amazon and Publishing
  • Sean Keenan
  • I would definitely redo the survey if this was my project, as it is not very well done at all. I would improve the question to be far more accurate and make an concerted effort to go around and ask people these questions about whether they prefer to read digitally or with printed books.

Body Image
  • Madison Hill
  • The tumblr page works very well for the topic, it really helps to show off the topic through a visual medium.

Physician Assisted Suicide

  • Emily Stock
  • The survey is interesting for the topic, as many people agreed it should be legal yet wouldn't choose it themselves and there are very few places that allow this physician assisted suicide, despite the support that it seems to have (at least in the survey).


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