Chapter 9 Response
Chapter 9 basically just goes through peer review and shows the outcome of what an efficient peer review looks like through drafts. Another thing chapter 9 does is provide a quite helpful checklist for questions to ask during peer review. I think this all sounds great and extremely helpful but it might only work in theory in my opinion. As someone who has gone through the peer review process multiple times and done 3 different drafts in the past, I have never had an experience even close to this when it came to peer reviewing, even if it were my teacher reading my piece. My peers who have reviewed my essays, most times don't have much to say, they mainly highlight run on sentences or point out spelling mistakes and maybe add a few a commas; but they are usually just as lost as I am. Then again, they had never read this chapter on review, I am curious to see how the peer review process will be different from my previous experiences now that everyone has this knowledge. I have always been skeptical about the peer review process, I know its good to get the opinion from others but does it really make a difference on the writing and improve it when they don't really know what they are doing?
Thank you so much for this. I felt I was the only one thinking this of the chapter, in that it doesn't really address how someone who isn't any "smarter" than I am is going to give me feedback that I couldn't get from my own reviews.