Chapter 9 Reflection

I have always liked doing peer review/editing because I feel like I am good at it and I know to do it nicely. I was taught to do critiques in every situation in a sandwich method. The sandwich method has three parts, a complement, a constructive comment, and another complement. I have found that this is the best way to keep your friends while you are trying to help them in their writing process. I did know most of the things in this chapter so it was not the most exciting read. It was relevant though.


  1. I agree that peer reviews are a helpful part of improving a draft. It's a good way to get multiple opinions and, sometimes, ideas from others. I loved that you brought up the sandwich method. That was a method that I learned later in school, but I soon came to realize it's one of the best ways to express your critiques without offending the author. Great Blog Post!

  2. I was never really good at peer review because I was always afraid to offer criticism as I did not want to hurt anyone's feelings. The method you set forth was very informative and described a way to speak your mind, while also protecting the authors feelings. I will definitely be trying this method in class on Thursday!

  3. Just like you I thought this was relevant and not so much fun to read. I am glad you mentioned your revising technique because it can be useful for the upcoming class. I am glad that you are nice when you review because no one likes someone who is overly criticizing them. Great post and great method!


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