Chapter 9 Reading Response

I found this chapter to be fairly reassuring in the sense that revisions are necessary in order to write the best work you possibly can. I have always revised my work, even if I only wrote one draft, and if someone is available I would ask a friend to revise it as well. I find writing to be very hard for me, but my friends seem to conquer the subject with ease. This is beneficial to me because they would be pretty eager to read my work and would never hold back on the revisions and corrections, no matter how harsh they may be. The text reiterated the importance of revising your work and having others do the same, two minds are better than one and someone else may be able to suggest a sentence or word that may fit or sound better in context.


  1. I also find writing to be very hard for me, so peer review is really helpful when I find myself getting stuck. It is always a huge help for a friend to point out something that adds a lot to your essay that you would have never thought of on your own. The chapter was reassuring and I am excited to get some feedback on Thursday to improve my essay!


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