Richard's Chapter One Response

Chapter One was basically an overall review of the basic writing rules and tools. It reminds us of the factor we need to take into account when working within our genre. The chapter also expanded genre and how we will use various genres instead of sticking to the old fashioned writing techniques that we used in high school. I liked this because my fear was that I'd have to return to this learning style. The chapter also talked rhetorical situations and the factors that need to be approached when writing a rhetorical piece such as purpose, audience, rhetorical appeals (ethos, logos, & pathos), and Modes & Media.

One thing I found very helpful about this part is the example of the memoir by Annie L. Burton. It described how one way we learn our writing genre is by observing others. It describe how Burton could've found her preferred writing style from reading popular work from her time. The Chapter also expands on Genre Conventions and how understanding the genre you write in plays a big part in succeeding in that genre. It uses Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics to convey this by describing writers and artist images and balloon dialogue to make there work more effective. The example helps convey the main elements of the genre to consider like style, design, and sources.

I feel like this course will further my enjoyment of writing. I feel like I came into this class with lower expectation then I should've because of all the rumors I've heard about the difficult class work. But I feel like after learning about the material, meeting my classmates, and meeting the teacher I feel like I'm actually gonna really enjoy this class.


  1. Overall I think you analyzed the text like most of us and got it spot on. One thing I didn't initially find as helpful was the Burton example, however after reading this I did go back and glance over it again and I did find it a little more intriguing and helpful.

  2. Your review was very through and insightful to the material that was discussed in this chapter. That this chapter was a combination of both a review of what we already know and also a lesson that taught us new things. I also agree with you that this will help in the enjoyment in writing and will impact ones writing in a very positive manner.

  3. I also wrote in my response that this chapter reviewed a lot of the material that we went over in high school English classes. I really liked how you added that last part about how you came into the class with lower expectations but now you are more excited for the class, because I feel the same way.

  4. I most certainly agree with your evaluation of how it expands are traditional thoughts about genres. To truly succeed in the Genre one is writing about, they need to understand that genre as much as possible. I also agree with your statement that this first Chapter was a basic overview, however it does go in to a larger amount of detail in order for us to grasp the ideas around creating better pieces for the viewers. I also mentioned in my blog the Annie most likely achieved her idea for her memoir due to the memoirs popularity during the time frame.

  5. Hi Richard
    I hope this class makes the writing process more interesting to you as well. The work on this class can be heavy, but that doesn't mean classes can't be fun. It's great having you as part of our class.


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